“These Are The Good Old Days” (portrait of the Andrae family)
Pencil, pastel, and watercolor
(1) When I was in my twenties, my FAVORITE(!!!!) authors were Flannery O’Connor and the uber-clever/witty Muriel Spark. My favorite (by far) artist was Andrew Wyeth. I memorized everything by any of them. When I was about forty, however, it occurred to me that none of them, however clever or technically-skilled they were, actually LIKED other people……which suddenly seemed an insurmountable fault to me.
I’ve been lucky in that my work doesn’t seem to attract stupid or dull folks, and I happen to actually like my clients. And, on that note?…..isn’t this an interesting/lovely family (the portraits were commissioned a year ago)? I’ve never met them in person, of course, but I’ve poked through the many photographs they’ve sent. I like them loads.
(2) On an entirely different note?… Yes, the title is taken from the chorus of an early Carly Simon song. Color me quite dated…..
And, also?…..While finishing this up, I wondered how folks would respond if told that one member of this respectable, inside-the-beltline family was a serial killer, responsible for the gruesome butcherings of at least 15 other denizens of The Respectable Classes…..which one would you pick, out of this line-up? The placid-looking, tall, “Studious” boy to the far right?…perhaps the enigmatic, relentlessly smiling mother?…….or maybe the “Cute” and endearingly mischievous “little” brother? The only other option would be the eminently respectable, golf-playing, white-suburban “Dad” figure.
Who would you pick as the murderer? All of them,no doubt, harbor Evil in their hearts……but which one would have gone so far as to become an actual KILLER? When did the “switch” click, and what set it off?? What prompted him/her to first KILL? When will he/she stop, if ever????……..Let us know in the comments below (And be sure to click on the ‘subscribe’ button for future postings & updates)…..