“I’ll be Here With You”
Pencil, pastel, & watercolor
2024 ($250; if interested in purchase, please email or private message if interested in purchase)
It’s Pride Month (unavoidably so on the internet, if utterly unnoticed here at my brother’s house, in Bristol, TN)…..all of which is fine with me. I think I’m old enough, at 63, to excuse myself from the giddy CELEBRATIONS(!), paint a bit, put on some music, and indulge myself in simply remembering.
The title is taken from a beautiful Nancy Lamott song (circa 1990). The lyrics make this painting utterly clear. Go to:
For further clarification, go to this clip (the final scene) from one of my favorite movies, “Parting Glances” ( the 1986 movie about a band of friends, covering the beyond harrowing, early years of the AIDS epidemic and its aftermath. I’m the same age as the protagonists.):