“Walk the Line” (Rogersville, TN)
Pencil, pastels, and drybrush
$250 (please email dterrydraw@aol.com or PM if interested in purchase)
(1) Yes…..I know that the title is that of a Johnny Cash song. I am, after all, born & raised in Tennessee.

(2) No…….I don’t know why these cats are acting this way. For that matter, neither does Cindy Clark Shelby, who nominally owns them, but (smart/patient woman that she is) doesn’t pretend to completely understand them. I, having noticed the PERFECT SPACING between the cats, asked if they’d been trained by Balanchine or Dr. Fauci. Cindy claims that she has no idea……that’s just what her cats DO when she goes for a walk around their place.
(3) Even I know when to batten down the hatches when life gets too tough/irritating . The past two days have been over-run with two-legged irritants (and, no….we don’t have kangaroos hereabouts, and these have all gained access via Facebook or email) . So, I took the advice of several of you…..didn’t answer telephone or emails today, and I simply painted (this is a small painting/drawing) what makes me happy. Cindy’s postings and her mincing cats make me smile. She and her jolly, scout-leader husband, Henry, are Sewanee connections. That comes as no surprise to me.
(3) And, yes…….the first cat does indeed, remind me of the video from/to Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean”. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi_XLOBDo_Y