“These Winter Dreams”
Pencil, pastel, & watercolor
2015 (NFS)
Gibson and Ghetto (yup….that’s his name, which apparently flies without comment in France) belong to my pal, Sharon Santoni, who lives in Normandy and, from there, manages her “My French Country Home” empire…..which used to simply be a very entertaining, personal blog but which, over the past decade, has expanded….so that it now incorporates a magazine, brocante tours for giddy Americans (her tours are inevitably fully-booked), monthly gift boxes, and (predictably enough) a full-time staff of young&eager assistants. You can find Sharon’s blog (and a world of other fine things) at: https://sharonsantoni.com/
I’ll admit that, when I saw photographs over that first year (Ghetto arrived as a tiny puppy, whereas Gibson a full grown retriever by that time), I had no idea that Sharon had gotten herself a new dog. I thought that Ghetto was just a colorfully named toy for Gibson.