“Sparky”  2 (for Ann Patchett)
Pencil, pastel, and watercolor
I posted recently about having finished two portraits and subsequently feeling fairly dejected when I realized that I couldn’t publish (so to speak) them; they were commissioned as a gift and hadn’t yet been delivered. I do like my instant-gratification/praise.
Well, the paintings have finally been delivered. I hear from the friend (he and Patchett are longtime, genuine pals) who commissioned them for her that she’s pleased……which makes me quite happy. I’m of the many-many who loves Ann Patchett’s writing. Suffice it to say that I dole her books out to myself on a regulated basis; I’ve bought all that I could, but have held back some for later reading. I feel similarly about Anne Tyler’s books/novels…..for some reason, I know that I don’t want to ever say “Oh, I’ve read them all, and that’s that”. So, I keep a stockpile for future/lean times.
I should emphasize that I particularly admire Patchett’s work with Independent Booksellers (she co-founded and co-owns Nashville’s Parnassus Books) and rescue dogs. The website for Parnassus often features the various “shop dogs”……….among whom Sparky (Ann’s own rescue dog) has featured prominently for years. Sparky died a couple of months ago. Any admirer of Patchett or Parnassus also, of course, knows/knew Sparky.
Suffice it to say that I rarely get the opportunity to do something for someone I’ve never met, but whom I deeply admire.
To learn more about Ann Patchett, go to: http://www.annpatchett.com/about