Category: Current Offerings & Recent Work 46 images (Page 1 of 2)

Good Art: Drawn Right & Sold At Popular Prices. I should begin by emphasizing that (1)  If you’re interested in a piece or commissioning a new piece, simply contact me by emailing, or by telephoning (919) 909 9811,   and (2) not everything on this page is “Available” (much/most of my work is commissioned), and I should admit that not all of the works are even particularly “Current” (for better or worse, I don’t spend a lot of my days updating this dang thing). All of the following are works-on-paper. All are drawn with pen&ink or (when they’re not) painted with watercolors, pastel pencils, and oil pencils. The sizes are about as accurate as you can expect from someone whose last math class was sometime before the first Reagan Administration. Just for the record?….prices range between 135$ and 4000$, as a wildly general and arbitrarily-enforced rule. The final fact is that it’s easier for everyone if you just just inquire vi email or telephone.  Potential clients can do themselves a favor by bearing in mind that I’m always a complete sucker for a good sob story. Just recall that it has to be a good one. We regret to say that chocolates, contraband nylons, and “Don’t Blame Me…I voted for Hilary” buttons are no longer accepted as alternative payments.